Personalization and a positive experience leads to more meaningful engagements, quicker conversions, higher cart values, increased spend, and ongoing loyalty.
Make lasting impressions that customers will want to share with their friends. It’s not about advertising a product on sale, but letting your customers see and feel what their life would be like with it. You as the retailer are creating the association between them and these good feelings.
Exchange an experience for valuable personal information about your customers. To run a successful marketing campaign, data and knowledge about your target customer is everything. The more information you have about your customer the more effective you will be reaching them. Your customers will be willing to share their information as the cover charge to an event or experience they want to attend.
Influence customers’ purchasing and drive more profitable sales through educationWhen a customer is engaged in a brand or product, they are more open to learning about its benefits. Avoiding “commercials” is a national past time, but give customers the chance to have a fun new experience and it’s a different story. In fact about 65% of consumers say that a live event or product demonstration is much more likely to influence their purchasing and brand loyalty than a commercial or any other form of advertising.
Find out how the team at Outdoor Sports Marketing can go to work for you today.